i4 Catholics
Featured Article: The Catholic Thing
Same-Sex Blessings as Superstitions
"If a blessing is the preparation for a sacrament, for which sacrament are same-sex unions preparing? If blessings are not the preparation for sacraments, then the practice of blessings, one of the spiritual treasures of the Church, has been reduced to a good luck charm – perhaps even a superstitious practice."
Florida attorney general seeks to block pro-abortion measure from 2024 ballot.
“... my decision to oppose the placement of [the measure on] the ballot has nothing to do with my personal views on abortion. Instead, as I have done throughout my two terms, I have objected to initiatives when the language of the summary will mislead voters,” she explained, calling the proposed measure “one of the worst I have seen.”
Breaking News
“The Catholic Church proclaims that human life is sacred and that the dignity of the human person is the foundation of a moral vision for society. This belief is the foundation of all the principles of our social teaching. In our society, human life is under direct attack from abortion and euthanasia.”
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Washington, D.C.
Focus - Life
As a newlywed, Julia Ibarra was more than a little nervous about using Natural Family Planning. She had grown up non-Catholic, with the assumption that the Pill would be part of her married life. Stepping away from that place felt insecure and raised a host of questions for her.
Increasing her anxiety, there seemed to be remarkably few resources for newly married couples to learn about NFP. The sparse page of information the couple was given in a Catholic marriage prep course sparked Ibarra’s curiosity but offered little else.
Ibarra’s challenging journey with NFP inspired her to found Magenta. Named after the birthplace of pro-life heroine St. Gianna Molla, Magenta aims to make NFP attractive, accessible and understandable; to be a means for women to learn about and embrace their fertility. . . .
“How can an action that ends an innocent and defenseless life in its blossoming stage be therapeutic, civilized or simply human? I ask you: Is it right to ‘do away with’ a human life in order to solve a problem? Is it right to hire a hitman in order to solve a problem? One cannot. It is not right to ‘do away with’ a human being, however small, in order to solve a problem.”
Pope Francis, Oct 10, 2018
We will vigorously defend the dignity of each human being at every stage of life.
We will support candidates who share our commitment to end abortion.
We will work to enact policies and laws that will promote a culture of life dedicated to protecting human beings from natural conception to natural death.
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Click the "Contact us" button below.
Stand Against the Radical Anti-Life Amendment in Florida!
Join Florida Right to Life's DECLINE TO SIGN Campaign
What you can do to help us prevent the pro-abortion organizations from successfully gathering petition forms:
1. Do NOT sign the anti-life petition: urge everyone you know not to sign these petitions. See “Why the amendment is deceptive below . . .”
2. Generous donation: Florida Right to Life will make this a priority. Your financial contribution will strengthen our fight against this evil amendment.
3. Spread the word: forward this email to your family and friends. Urge them to join our DECLINE TO SIGN campaign. Together, we can amplify our voice to protect the sanctity of life in Florida.
4. Peaceful intervention: when you come across gatherings of individuals collecting petition signatures to support this anti-life amendment, peacefully intervene. Stand near the table and kindly request people not-to-sign, explaining why the language in this amendment is deceptive.
5. Pray for Florida Right to Life: lift us up in prayer, seeking divine guidance and strength to defeat this amendment. Your prayers are essential to our pro-life work.
6. Write letters to local papers: in your own words write a letter exposing the deceitfulness and dangers of the amendment language. Write about the danger of taking away the parental consent law and the potential for unrestricted abortions.
Abortion harms everything it touches
Here's what you can do in less than 2 minutes